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Gustav Yegorov
Gustav Yegorov

The Feel Good Book Claudia Fernandez Epub _HOT_

Dave, I recommend these books on black slavery: The Negro in VA; Early Years in the Republic; Slavery in the United States: A Narrative of the Life and Adventures of Charles Ball; Slave Counterpoint; Weevils in the Wheat; Slave Trading in the Old South; The Half Has Never Been Told; Slaves and Their Masters; From Sunup to Sundown; Slave Life in VA and KY; Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl; The American Slave Code in Theory; God Struck Me Dead; The Sounds of Slavery; Disowning Slavery; Beyond the River; Slavery and Freedom on the Middle Ground; Black Yankees; Jesuit Slaveholding in Maryland, 1717-1838; Iron Cages. Also recommended are films: The Green Book and The Story. It came as a shock to learn Jesuits in MD owned slaves! I read about it in Murphy's book but first came across this info in an Ancestry TV program hosted by Louis Gates. The author of Jesuit Slaveholding in MD did his dissertation at UConn while I was doing mine in the 1990s. It was in Thomas Murphy, S,J.'s bk that I learned our first American Catholic bishop John Carroll sold a slave (alcoholic) and freed another. Jesuits, owners of 6 plantations in MD, finally SOLD their 272 Catholic slaves to slaveowners in LA in 1838! Families were broken up by the new slaveholders! Hard to believe but true!!!!!!!!! Previous to reading about the colonial Jesuits in Maryland, I was likewise shocked in learning that Protestant ministers held blacks as servants. Nevertheless, Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, and most especially Quakers, led the earliest movements to abolish slavery. (read Chapter One of Jesuit Slaveholding in Maryland, and pp 53, 81-82). It's important to note the sociopolitical and economic ties among the histories of blacks, the native America, Mexican Americans, and Asians. . . e.g., with the institution of slavery, blacks could not testify against whites in courts of law. When the US finally conquered California (1848), whites wrote in the 1850 State Constitution that dark Mexicans / blacks could not vote or testify! Much of what whites practiced vs blacks they applied the lessons against Mexicans in CA. Minorities have advanced themselves socially, economically, and politically over time in CA. Higher education has been a key factor in their improvement. Dave, I bought the majority of the bks on Amazon; others from Abebooks, Barnes/Noble... Take care! Happy Reading! Your MDHS Classmate from '56, al

The Feel Good Book Claudia Fernandez epub

SOUL OF AMERICA Edited by Robert C. Baron Documenting Our Past, Vol 1: 1492-1870 "We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch as been passed to a new generation of Americans - born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage - and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world." John F. Kennedy FROM HIS INAUGURAL ADDRESS, JANUARY 20, 1961 First Scholastic paperback printing, January 2000. ISBN 0-590-30146-2 This book is about America; it presents the ideas and writings of the men and women who have shaped our nation. America has always been a special place, a place unlike any other. We are a nation of immigrants and descendants of immigrants. From the villages and towns of Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas, immigrants sailed and steamed across the ocean to reach this country's shores. And once in the new world, they walked and rode across the continent, heading west, toward new opportunities, jobs and the open land - marching on to the leadership for the free people of the world. North American Press, Golden, Colorado, 1994 ISN 1-55591-922-7 (v 2) Editor Mimi: I feel very strongly that understanding correct history is important for responding to civic and political issues. We need to apply lessons from the past to solve current problems and situations. Unfortunately as Americans, we seem ill prepared to to so. Many groups are promoting inadequate, distorted and incorrect history. I first woke up to the importance of the past because of what was being said about Mexicans. Even as a child I could see my grandparents, aunts and uncles were not the people the public was describing. My response was to pass my classes, but ignore the importance of American history, and just viewed world history has culturally interesting, but not really connected to me. Slowly, I have changed. Being born in the early 1930s, living through the Second World War and all the wars the world has experienced since, has given me a different perspective . . history matters. History matters . . . a lot. Technology has shrunk our world. We are a global economy, interacting with cultural groups, which we don't understand, and who don't understand us. Unfortunately, we ourselves don't know who we are. In the United States, we are made up of so many cultures and languages, with many different histories. As a first generation American on my mother's side and second generation American on my dad's side, I am proud to be an American, and also greatly respect my Mexican heritage. Having been involved in family research, I can recognize that both countries have been through a lot, ups and downs. We need to accept past injustices, be grateful for where we are now, with a view for continuing improvement. We need to know our history through the documents which shaped our country's past. I like these two books because they are composed of the actual word by word text of the documents, allowing me to analyze and conclude the thoughts and intent of the writers, not filtered and shaped by the thoughts of another person.

For a complete list of the selected authors and artists click here. Rumors of a Coup is set in a fictitious coca-producing Latin American republic that is in the hands of a ruthless military dictator. The novel has all the contemporary drama of greed, revolt, murder and large scale drug trafficking. It is the ongoing conflict, and sometimes the clandestine cooperation between military dictators, drug lords, revolutionary guerillas, politicos and the different American men and women working in these foreign settings. Intermingled with all the intrigue, there is good humor and romantic competition between two American men for the love and attention of a beautiful Latino woman who also happens to be deeply involved with a guerilla movement that is conspiring to overthrow the military dictator in the control of the country. Ernesto Uribe spent his entire career as a US Foreign Service Officer serving full tours in seven different Latin American countries. During these overseas assignments, he experienced no less than eight coups d'etat, some bloody and some nonviolent takeovers. During this period, he also served in four countries that were in the hands of military general officers during the time he was there. He currently lives in Northern Virginia where he dictates his time to writing fiction and commutes regularly to his South Texan ranch where he owns a small cattle herd and enjoys riding his horse in the brush county that he loves.

How can migrants settle and feel at home far away from their native environment? This book offers essential contributions to the international discourse on migration issues in contemporary architecture and urban design.

A unique account of hitherto largely disregarded modernist Soviet architecture. Based on a ground-breaking research project, this book presents a history of architecture in the fourteen non-Russian Soviet republics, illustrated with a wealth of previously unpublished photographs and plans. 041b061a72


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