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Renat Shiryaev
Renat Shiryaev

One Piece Episode 351

As Stefan from Saturday Night Live would say, this episode has everything: Hungry giant monsters, invisible perverts kidnapping woman, Scooby-Doo like antics with zombies, and that thing where a stitched-up woman tells you to die horribly with regularity. The comedy was the highlight, along with Oars being just a gigantic version of Luffy. Sure, Chopper is still stupid with not figuring out that (SPOILER!!) Usopp and Sniper King are the same person. And that the Thriller Bark arc might also just be this.

One Piece Episode 351


Closing: [00:36:31.00] Thank you again for listening to the Workology Podcast sponsored by Upskill HR and Ace The HR Exam. This podcast is for the disruptive workplace leader who is tired of the status quo. My name is Jessica Miller-Merrell and until next time you can visit to listen to all our previous Workology Podcast episodes.

And so a lot of that failover and resiliency pieces come inherently with Kube. But of course we have some additional magic that happens to make sure that those workloads migrate around either failures or upgrade processes that are in play.

Justin Parisi: So with the upgrade process for the cluster nodes, does that also extend into the Astra Control and Astra Trident pieces? Do you upgrade the plugins along with that, or is that something you have to do manually yourself?

Alan Moore: [00:00:34] Hello and welcome to this episode of XYPN Radio. I'm your host, Alan Moore, and I'm excited to welcome three XYPN members on the show today Dillon Cobb, Andrew Gray and Allen Mueller. These three advisors are in a study group together and I wanted to bring them on the show to talk about the group. Some of the more technical aspects, such as how it formed, how often they meet, topics covered, etc. but also the softer side to really understand the benefits of what they've gained from it. They all have different backgrounds and unique paths to launching their own firm, but the major commonality is that they all have young kids and are building solo practices. We had a really wide ranging discussion about the value of a study group, and the cliff notes are that they highly recommend everyone be in one. I suspect if you aren't in one yet, you'll want to be by the time you're done listening to this episode. Without further ado, here's my interview with Dillon, Andrew and Allen.

Alan Moore: [00:02:16] This is the-this is a landmark episode because it is the first time I've ever had three guests on the show today and we wanted to have everyone on. It's going to be a little confusing for those of you who are listening in, because I know there's going to be four different voices that are talking. I'll try to call out names and such. I think you'll get used to everyone's voice pretty quickly, but I wanted to have everyone on because you have this really cool, shared experience that I think a lot of folks are going to benefit from sort of hearing your story about the creation and the benefits of your study group, your mastermind group that you're all a part of. So I'm super excited to-to-to learn more myself, to be able to share the story with-with listeners and hopefully encourage some of them. My goal of this is to encourage some of you listeners out there to go form a study group yourself, become part of a study group, because I think you're going to hear all the benefits that that come with that. So to kick things off though, I want to be able to sort of set the stage, let everyone get to know each one of you. So we'll do round robin style and just let everyone sort of introduce themselves sort of background and in financial planning and sort of what led you to starting your own firm here with XYPN. So, Andrew, I will start with you.

Andrew Gray: [00:24:58] I just think every week we gain something. You know, it's-it's interesting, like, you know, like Dillon and I and even Bradley, we've been doing this for so long. The fresh perspectives that Allen and Dillon K bring to it, just as simple as an onboarding process and what they do visually and how they leverage technology just differently than the rest of it. So we all know how to do our jobs well, but just we're all creating independent businesses and it's just and it's solo practices, right? We're not creating a large RIA. Just pick little bits and pieces from everybody so there's not one. It's just a continuation of the months for me that that I've just gained so much from these guys.

Dillon Cobb: [00:34:36] Well, we-we keep reminding each other, too, that and we've heard it in your podcast a lot. We've heard a lot of people say that we can travel down the road of all these technologies. But what good is it if we if we have the best processes and the best technology in the world, but we don't have any clients, So we do keep reminding each other that what is also important is the marketing aspect. You actually have to go out and and some of our group are introverted and some of us aren't. And so it's good to keep reminding each other of these differences and pushing each other to follow through on what you've said. The accountability piece is a big one. So we're and, you know, I don't think any of us said this the impostor syndrome. We all struggle with that at different times. And to be able to walk in here and say, I'm struggling with imposter syndrome. One of my clients, my old clients didn't want to come, or maybe I decided I needed to not take that one on for some reason, or a question came up and I just didn't feel competent there. And so you start beating yourself up and to be able to come in here and encourage each other and remind ourselves that we're all feeling the same way, we just don't speak it out loud very often. So again, there's so many ways we-we help each other.

Alan Moore: [00:50:15] Yeah, it reminds me of the old proverb to go fast, go alone, to go far, go together. And I have felt that way with Kitces as my business partner, because it sort of acts as that same filter that it does when you're in a study group where it is like, I can go a lot faster if I don't have to answer to anyone else and I can just do the thing I want to do when I want to do it. And that's a really great way to-to crash and burn. It works for a little while and then it doesn't. And so they say to go-to go far, go together, and that together really, it doesn't have to be a partner. It doesn't have to be a coworker. It really can be a study group of other like minded solopreneurs that are that are building similar businesses. And really that's where we see the most success with study groups is when there is sort of a central theme. It could be building a similar type of business, it could be approaching. And again, they don't always have to be lifetime groups. It can be approaching a similar issue like everyone's going to be hiring their first employee. And so let's just get through this season of hiring and onboarding and training, and then maybe that group sort of phases out or sometimes they're topic based. We have some groups that meet. We have one group that meets weekly to talk about stock options and all the information and latest research and content related stock options, and they just get on and nerd out over stock options, which is cool. And so, yeah, it may be a niche, it may be business based, it may be lifestyle, family based. There's there's a lot of different ways of cutting it, but there's always a niche. There's a theme here. So there is a common problem, a common challenge that's bringing-bringing the group together. So as we're sort of coming up on on the end of the show, I'll ask all three of you the sort of final question, and it can be related to the study group itself or-or broader just in terms of your business and career. And-and that question is, if there's one piece of advice that you wish you could go back and give your younger self, or maybe it's the piece of advice you've been giving the other people in the group. I don't know if we change a little bit, maybe what's the thing you're known for saying that everyone knows what you're going to tell them when-when they show up. What is that piece of advice? Whoever wants to start? I know it's a big question.

Allen Mueller: [00:53:56] Yeah, my piece of advice would just be be bold. You know, I wish I could have told myself that ten years ago. You know, try to find something you enjoy, especially like speaking with the career changers. You know, what's the worst that can happen, right? Like you, you try a business, it fails, you go back to work, right? That's always an option. The jobs are always out there, you know, And at least you can look back on it and say you tried. That's kind of-that's kind of what got me off-off the fence and was just like, you know what? I just need to start this business and put 100% into it and, you know, look back on something that I can be proud of. So that would be my advice. Just be bold. Do it, plan it out well, but, you know, take action.

Narrator: [00:56:25] Thanks for listening to XYPN Radio. If you enjoyed the show, please be sure to leave a review that will help grow the movement of fee-for-service advisors, serving next gen clients and building the firms of their dreams. That's all for today's episode, until next time.

Shannon Mattern: Welcome to episode 351 of Pep Talks for Side Hustlers. And I am so excited to introduce you to today's guest Annelise Worn, who is a business strategist, marketing mentor, and marketing agency CEO. She helps her clients develop and implement efficient, effective high converting marketing strategies that actually move the needle. So Annelise, thank you so much for being here this morning. Can you share a little bit more with our listeners about you and what you do?

Shannon Mattern: That's my favorite thing to talk about, the messaging piece. And I think what I see a lot of people struggle with is a) like you said, thinking about the age, the gender, the income level, all of those superficial things that don't really tell you anything about what's really going on, what's this person's lived experience. But the other thing that I see people struggle with is that they want to talk about themselves. They think they should talk about themselves and why they're qualified and what their solution is and how their solution is different than all the other solutions out there. And that gets them stuck for a lot of reasons. They feel like an imposter. They're not sure that their solution is better than everybody else's, all of these things. And my perspective, and I'm curious to hear yours, is you don't need to talk about any of that. You really don't need to talk about any of that. 041b061a72


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