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Renat Shiryaev
Renat Shiryaev

IBM SPSS Advanced Statistics 25

SPSS Statistics V25 continues to add to its predictive analytics techniques through new and advanced statistics, stronger integration and enhanced productivity. SPSS Statistics V25 focuses on increasing the analytic capabilities of the software to help you:

IBM SPSS Advanced Statistics 25

  • In SPSS Statistics V25, you get to analyze data with some new features within advanced statistics like: GENLINMIXED now provides:Random effects solution results (EBLUPs)

  • Continuous time spatial covariance structures

  • GLM/UNIANOVA now provides:Profile plots with error bars, bar and line charts, and an option to include grand mean option to force charts to include 0 on the y-axis

  • New tests for heteroskedasticity, including White's test

  • Robust standard errors

  • Modified versions of Levene's test

Also in SPSS Statistics V25 is support for Bayesian Statistics, which includes both new syntax and GUI elements that are as easy to run as traditional p-value statistics. Some of the features available within Bayesian Statistics include:

  • IBM SPSS Statistics is a leading statistical software offering used to solve business and research problems by means of ad hoc analysis, hypothesis testing, geospatial analysis, and predictive analytics. Highlights of SPSS Statistics V25 include:Ability to analyze data with new and advanced statistics

  • Stronger integration with third-party applications

  • Enhanced productivity

Comes with 2 activations

IBM SPSS Statistics 24 continues to offer advancedanalytics through improved access to programming extensions, smarterdata management, and enhanced productivity. New features of IBM SPSSStatistics 24 release include the following:

The RATIO STATISTICS procedure has long been a convenient optionfor obtaining descriptive statistics on ratios of two variables, aswell as the go-to procedure for property assessment professionals,whose job involves working with ratios of property assessment valuesto sales prices. Since the original procedure was implemented, theway some statistics in property valuation are perceived has evolved.In SPSS Statistics 28, the RATIO STATISTICS procedure has beenenhanced to make it more consistent with the current perception, asdescribed in theStandard on Ratio Studiesdocumentpublished by the International Association of Assessing Officers.

Also in SPSS Statistics 25 is support for Bayesian Statistics,which includes both new syntax and GUI elements that are as easy torun as traditional p-value statistics. Some of the features availablewithin Bayesian Statistics include:

In this release, you can add a new dimension to your advancedanalytics by adding location intelligence to reveal much deeperinsights. SPSS Statistics 24 provides the value of geospatialanalytics by some of its capabilities such as spatio-temporalprediction and generalized spatial association rule through which youcan explore the relationship of data elements when tied to ageographic location. Business applications include buildingsmanagement, branch performance analysis, crime pattern analysis, andepidemic surveillance.

Using SPSS Statistics and R together has created a powerfulanalytical combination to solve tough business challenges usingadvanced analytics. Both SPSS Statistics and IBM SPSS Modelerintegrate with R and have been an ideal deployment vehicle for Rprograms. With this release, you have the ability to test R programsusing the full featured R integrated development environment foreasier debugging. You can also write R programs that use SPSSStatistics functionality through command syntax from within R.

SPSS Statistics is a statistical software suite developed by IBM for data management, advanced analytics, multivariate analysis, business intelligence, and criminal investigation. Long produced by SPSS Inc., it was acquired by IBM in 2009. Current versions (post 2015) have the brand name: IBM SPSS Statistics.

Additionally a "macro" language can be used to write command language subroutines. A Python programmability extension can access the information in the data dictionary and data and dynamically build command syntax programs. The Python programmability extension, introduced in SPSS 14, replaced the less functional SAX Basic "scripts" for most purposes, although SaxBasic remains available. In addition, the Python extension allows SPSS to run any of the statistics in the free software package R. From version 14 onwards, SPSS can be driven externally by a Python or a VB.NET program using supplied "plug-ins". (From Version 20 onwards, these two scripting facilities, as well as many scripts, are included on the installation media and are normally installed by default.)

SPSS Statistics can read and write data from ASCII text files (including hierarchical files), other statistics packages, spreadsheets and databases. SPSS Statistics can read and write to external relational database tables via ODBC and SQL.

SPSS Statistics launched version 25 on Aug 08, 2017. SPSS v25 adds new and advanced statistics, such as random effects solution results (GENLINMIXED), robust standard errors (GLM/UNIANOVA), and profile plots with error bars within the Advanced Statistics and Custom Tables add-on. V25 also includes new Bayesian Statistics capabilities, a method of statistical inference and publication ready charts, such as powerful new charting capabilities, including new default templates and the ability to share with Microsoft Office applications.[10]

Enhancements have been made to Mixed Linear Models (MIXED), Generalized Linear Mixed Models (GENLINMIXED), and General Linear Model (GLM) and UNIANOVA to enable richer data analysis. Add probabilities to your analysis with Bayesian statistics, using either the new syntax or GUI elements that are as easy to run as traditional p-value statistics.

This book covers both the basics of descriptive statistical analysis using SPSS through to more advanced topics such as multiple regression, multidimensional scaling and MANOVA, including instructions for Mac. This makes it ideal for both undergraduate statistics courses and for postgraduates looking to further develop their statistics and SPSS knowledge.

This course provides an application-oriented introduction to advanced statistical methods available in IBM SPSS Statistics. Students will review a variety of advanced statistical techniques and discuss situations in which each technique would be used, the assumptions made by each method, how to set up the analysis, and how to interpret the results. This includes a broad range of techniques for predicting variables, as well as methods to cluster variables and cases.

This book covers both the basics of descriptive statistical analysis using SPSS through to more advanced topics such as multiple regression, multidimensional scaling and MANOVA, including instructions for Windows and Mac. This makes it ideal for both undergraduate statistics courses and for postgraduates looking to further develop their statistics and SPSS knowledge.

IBM SPSS Statistics 25 is a software package used for advanced statistical analysis. This software package is available for installation on University owned machines. If you do not currently have the software installed, you may do so by opening the Software Center on a University Windows computers. If you would like SPSS Statistics installed on your Apple computer, please contact the IT Service Desk.

"The IBM SPSS software platform offers advanced statistical analysis, a vast library of machine-learning algorithms, text analysis, open-source extensibility, integration with big data and seamless deployment into applications. Its ease of use, flexibility and scalability make IBM SPSS accessible to users with all skill levels and outfits projects of all sizes and complexity to help you and your organization to find new opportunities, improve efficiency and minimize risk."

Conclusion: In our institutional study, malignant tumors were more common than benign lesions. Patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma presented relatively late and at an advanced stage. Regular follow-up is necessary for early detection, recurrence, or metastases of malignant tumors.

The Office of International Relations at SZIU will be sponsoring the following workshop, Conducting Multiple Regression Analysis with IBM SPSS. This is an application-oriented workshop and the approach is practical. Participants will learn how to conduct and interpret multiple regression analyses and discuss situations in which these tests would be employed. Participants are encouraged to bring their own data sets and research questions to this workshop to enhance their understanding of statistics.Topics

The Office of International Relations at SZIU will be sponsoring the following workshop, Conducting Multivariate Analysis with IBM SPSS. This is an application-oriented workshop that targets those who want to become better versed in the more advanced statistical capabilities of IBM SPSS. This Workshop is also recommended for those seeking a solid understanding of statistics and wants to expand their knowledge of appropriate statistical procedures and how to set them up using IBM SPSS. Graduate students completing their dissertation will find this workshop valuable. Topics

Unless otherwise noted, HNS 3300 Introduction to Biostatistics for the Health Sciences Open Educational Resource (OER) was curated by Professor Enrique Pouget for Brooklyn College in 2018, updated in 2019 and is based upon the work of Professor Matthew Crump, and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. [Detailed license and acknowledgements] 041b061a72


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