54835 Rar
54835 is a United States ZIP Code located in Exeland Wisconsin. Portions of 54835 are also in Meteor and Meadowbrook and Weirgor and Couderay (town) and Radisson (town). 54835 is primarily within Sawyer County with some portions in Rusk County. 54835 is within the Duluth-Superior Area.
54835 rar
54835 can be classified socioeconically as a Lower Middle Class class zipcode in comparison to other zipcodes in Wisconsin based on Median Household Income and Average Adjusted Gross Income. Measuring level of educational attainment the majority of adults in 54835 have at least a High School Diploma. The majority race/ethnicity residing in 54835 is White. The current unemployment level in 54835 is 3.7%. 041b061a72