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Working Mothers

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Melthucelha Smith
Melthucelha Smith

J. Cole - Nothing Lasts Forever

So always give importance to the things that you have right now. Do not waste a moment and try maximizing the time, the effort and all the things that you have today because tomorrow might not be as good. Nothing lasts forever and the things you have today might not be there tomorrow and it might not make you happy either anymore. Sometimes on a particular day, you may have some wonderful things but the very next day, you may not have those wonderful moments.

J. Cole - Nothing Lasts Forever

Even in nature not every tree lasts forever. Not every stream flows until the end of time. As the world changes, nature changes with it. In the course of life, you have probably had many relationships through the years. Not all of them remain, but you are still happy to connect, meet new people, and make new friends.

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