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Carter White
Carter White

Bomarea Edulis

Bomarea edulis, common name salsilla, is a species of flowering plant in the alstroemeria family Alstroemeriaceae, that is native to the tropics of Mexico and the United States. A deciduous climber growing to 2.5 metres (8.2 ft) tall and wide, it has lanceolate leaves and clusters of trumpet-shaped flowers in shades of pink, yellow and green, with variable spotting, that are produced throughout the summer.[2]

bomarea edulis

Bomarea edulis (syn. B. hirtella) is a very widespread species from the Caribbean south to Brazil. There are currently seven accepted varieties. Flowers are arranged in an open inflorescence that ranges from salmon to magenta pink with spotting on both the inner and outer petals. Photo 1 from Dennis Szeszko shows a form July, 2006 in Donato Guerra district, Mexico State at around 2500 meters above sea level. In Mexico, this species has a distribution from Tamaulipas to Chiapas along the gulf coast and from Jalisco to Chiapas along the Pacific coast. The plants grow wild in shaded conditions with lots of humus around its roots in humid cloud-forests. Photo 2 from David Victor is of a plant in his greenhouse flowering in August 2005. Whilst it shows some similarities to the plant shown under B. hirsuta, it is only four feet or so tall and the flowers are rather smaller. Photos 3-4 were taken by Nhu Nguyen of a form common in cultivation, probably very similar to the forms in photos 1 & 2. Although this form makes small flowers, the seed pods are very large.

Bomarea edulis is a species of herb in the family Alstroemeriaceae. They are climbers. They are native to Caatinga, Ceará, SãO Paulo, Distrito Federal, Sergipe, GoiáS, Rio Grande Do Sul, Cerrado, Pará, ParaíBa, The Neotropics, Mato Grosso, Alagoas, Maranhao, Tocantins, Espirito Santo, Minas Gerais, Amazônia, Bahia, Piauí, Pantanal, Rio De Janeiro, Mato Grosso Do Sul, Acre (Brazil), RondôNia, Mata Atlântica, Paraná, Rio Grande Do Norte, Pernambuco, and Santa Catarina. They have berries. Flowers are visited by Manuelia gayatina, Sephanoides sephaniodes, Stephanoxis lalandi, and Acrophthalmyda paulseni.

Die Erstbeschreibung des Basionyms Alstroemeria edulis erfolgte 1808 durch François Richard de Tussac in Fl. Antill. 1: 109. Die Umteilung zu Bomarea edulis geschah 1837 durch William Herbert in Amaryllidaceae: 111.

Wegen ihrer morphologischen Variabilität und ihrer weiten Verbreitung werden für Bomarea edulis sehr viele Synonyme aufgeführt: Alstroemeria affinis .mw-parser-output .Personfont-variant:small-capsM.Martens & Galeotti, Alstroemeria edulis Tussac, Alstroemeria gloriosa Cham. & Schltdl., Alstroemeria grandifolia Kunth, Alstroemeria hirtella Kunth, Alstroemeria jacquesiana Lem., Alstroemeria miniata M.Martens & Galeotti, Alstroemeria salsilloides Mart., Bomarea affinis (M.Martens & Galeotti) Kunth, Bomarea bakeriana Kraenzl., Bomarea brauniana Schenk, Bomarea caraccensis Herb., Bomarea edulis var. furcata Person(Klotzsch ex Kunth) Kuntze, Bomarea edulis var. grandis Herb., Bomarea edulis var. hirtula Suess., Bomarea edulis var. maranensis Herb.,Bomarea edulis var. parvifolia (Seub.) Hoehne, Bomarea furcata Klotzsch ex Kunth, Bomarea gloriosa (Cham. & Schltdl.) M.Roem., Bomarea grandifolia (Kunth) Herb., Bomarea guianensis Kraenzl., Bomarea hirta Schenk, Bomarea hirtella (Kunth) Herb., Bomarea jacquesiana (Lem.) Kunth, Bomarea janeirensis M.Roem., Bomarea maakiana Klotzsch,Bomarea macrophylla Schenk, Bomarea maranensis Herb., Bomarea martiana Schenk,Bomarea miniata (M.Martens & Galeotti) Kunth, Bomarea ovata var. tatiana Herb., Bomarea petiolata Rusby, Bomarea salsilloides (Mart.) M.Roem., Bomarea salsilloides var. pauciflora Schenk, Bomarea salsilloides var. pubescens Schenk, Bomarea salsilloides var. sepium Schenk, Bomarea sororia N.E.Br., Bomarea spectabilis Schenk, Bomarea spectabilis var. parvifolia Seub., Bomarea tatiana Herb., Vandesia edulis (Tussac) Salisb., Bomarea perlongipes Killip.[1] Die beschriebenen Subtaxa sind alle Synonyme.

Even though its flowers are very pretty, if left uncontrolled bomarea can smother and eventually destroy your favourite plants in your garden. Bomarea invades remnant forest and shrubland interiors. The vines grow into the tree canopy and form large masses, which overtop and smother the supporting trees. Seedlings can establish in the shade of forest interior, creeping along the ground, strangling saplings and smothering low growing species. Extensive infestations in the tree canopy alter light levels, which can kill mature trees and prevent the establishment of native species.

To protect the host plant from chemical damage, remove the bomarea, place it on the ground and then spray. Alternatively, cut the vines 150mm above ground level and spray or paint the freshly cut stems. (Beware of non-target damage as glyphosate is non selective)

Both species have huge clusters of 20 to 30 tubular hanging bell shaped flowers which can appear through the season once the plant has regrown from full dormancy. However the main flush is in late summer through to early autumn. Bomaria caldasii flowers are brick red to orange on the outside and orange to yellow on the inside. Bomaria edulis has pink to red flowers on the outside, yellow to green on the inside.

A B. edulis produz tubérculos comestíveis e foi cultivada no México desde tempos precoloniais.Até hoje, ela sirve de alimento em algumasregiões da Ámerica Latina e tem também usos na medicina tradicional.Em Guarani, o nome da espécie é "Karamboroty"(Hofreiter 2006). 041b061a72


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