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Renat Shiryaev
Renat Shiryaev

WebStorm 2016.3 Full Version with Crack - Lightweight and Powerful IDE for Node.js, React, Angular, and More

WebStorm 2016.3 (Full Crack): A Powerful IDE for JavaScript Development

If you are looking for a lightweight yet powerful integrated development environment (IDE) for JavaScript and related technologies, you might have heard of WebStorm 2016.3, a commercial product developed by JetBrains. But what is WebStorm 2016.3 and why should you use it? How can you crack it and what are the risks involved? And what are some of the best alternatives to WebStorm 2016.3? In this article, we will answer these questions and more.

WebStorm 2016.3 (Full Crack)

What is WebStorm 2016.3 and why use it?

WebStorm 2016.3 is the third major update of WebStorm in 2016, released in November 2016. It is an IDE that supports JavaScript, TypeScript, React, React Native, Electron, Vue, Angular, Node.js, HTML, CSS, and many other web technologies. It provides a rich set of features and tools to help you develop high-quality applications with JavaScript.

WebStorm 2016.3 features and benefits

Some of the main features and benefits of WebStorm 2016.3 are:

  • Support for Flow: Flow is a static type checker for JavaScript that can help you catch errors and bugs in your code. WebStorm 2016.3 integrates with Flow and shows type errors right in the editor. It also provides code completion powered by Flow.

  • Support for React Native: React Native is a framework for building native mobile apps using JavaScript and React. WebStorm 2016.3 supports code completion, running and debugging apps with React Native.

  • Better TypeScript support: TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds optional static typing and other features. WebStorm 2016.3 improves its support for TypeScript by using the TypeScript language service for more precise code completion and analysis. It also provides a smarter Rename refactoring that understands the inheritance hierarchy.

  • Set of inspections and quick-fixes for migrating the code to ES6: ES6 (or ECMAScript 2015) is the latest version of the JavaScript standard that introduces many new features and syntax improvements. WebStorm 2016.3 offers a set of inspections and quick-fixes that can help you migrate your code to ES6, such as converting var to let or const, using arrow functions, destructuring assignments, template strings, etc.

  • Integration with Stylelint: Stylelint is a linter for style sheets that can help you enforce consistent conventions and avoid errors in your CSS code. WebStorm 2016.3 integrates with Stylelint and runs it against your code as you type. It also highlights any issues and provides quick-fixes.

  • Support for PostCSS via a plugin: PostCSS is a tool that allows you to transform CSS with JavaScript plugins. WebStorm 2016.3 supports PostCSS via a plugin that you can install from the plugin repository.

  • Running and debugging tests with Protractor: Protractor is an end-to-end testing framework for Angular applications that runs tests in a real browser. WebStorm 2016.3 supports running and debugging tests with Protractor.

  • Quick bootstrap to run and debug Node.js app in Docker: Docker is a software platform that allows you to build, run, and share applications using containers. WebStorm 2016.3 provides a quick bootstrap option that lets you run and debug your Node.js app in a Docker container with just a few clicks.

  • Improved Angular 2 support: Angular 2 is a popular framework for building dynamic web applications with TypeScript and HTML. WebStorm 2016.3 improves its support for Angular 2 by providing code completion and navigation for directives, pipes, and template variables. It also supports the Angular CLI tool that can help you generate and run Angular 2 projects.

  • And more: WebStorm 2016.3 also includes many other enhancements and bug fixes, such as improved support for Vue, Electron, ESLint, Jest, Mocha, Karma, and more. You can check the full list of changes on the official website.

As you can see, WebStorm 2016.3 is a powerful IDE that can help you develop high-quality applications with JavaScript and related technologies. It has a user-friendly interface, a smart editor, a fast debugger, a built-in terminal, a test runner, a code quality tool, and many other features that can boost your productivity and creativity.

WebStorm 2016.3 system requirements and installation

To use WebStorm 2016.3, you need to have the following system requirements:

  • Operating system: Windows (7 or later), Mac OS X (10.8 or later), Linux (64-bit)

  • Memory: 2 GB RAM minimum, 4 GB RAM recommended

  • Disk space: 1 GB minimum, 2 GB recommended

  • Screen resolution: 1024x768 minimum

  • JDK: Oracle JDK 1.8 or later

To install WebStorm 2016.3, you can follow these steps:

  • Download the installer: You can download the installer from the official website. Choose the version that matches your operating system.

  • Run the installer: You can run the installer by double-clicking on it or by using the command line. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation.

  • Activate the product: You can activate WebStorm 2016.3 by using a license key or by logging in with your JetBrains account. You can also use a trial version for 30 days.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed WebStorm 2016.3 on your computer.

How to crack WebStorm 2016.3 and what are the risks?

If you want to use WebStorm 2016.3 without paying for a license or without using a trial version, you might be tempted to crack it. Cracking is the process of modifying or bypassing the software protection mechanisms that prevent unauthorized use or copying of the software. However, cracking is not only illegal but also risky. In this section, we will explain how to crack WebStorm 2016.3 and what are the potential dangers of doing so.

Steps to crack WebStorm 2016.3

The steps to crack WebStorm 2016.3 may vary depending on the source of the crack and the operating system you are using. However, a common method is to use a patch file that modifies the original executable file of WebStorm 2016.3 and replaces it with a cracked version that does not require activation. Here is an example of how to use such a patch file on Windows:

  • Download the patch file: You can find various patch files for WebStorm 2016.3 on different websites or torrent sites. However, be careful as some of them may contain malware or viruses that can harm your computer.

  • Close WebStorm 2016.3 if it is running: You need to close WebStorm 2016.3 before applying the patch file.

  • Copy the patch file to the installation folder: You need to copy the patch file to the folder where you installed WebStorm 2016.3, usually C:\Program Files\JetBrains\WebStorm 2016.3\bin.

  • Run the patch file as administrator: You need to run the patch file as administrator by right-clicking on it and choosing Run as administrator.

  • Select the executable file of WebStorm 2016.3: You need to select the executable file of WebStorm 2016.3 from the installation folder , usually webstorm64.exe or webstorm.exe.

  • Click on the Patch button: You need to click on the Patch button and wait for the patching process to finish.

  • Restart WebStorm 2016.3: You need to restart WebStorm 2016.3 and enjoy the cracked version.

Note that this method may not work for all patch files or all versions of WebStorm 2016.3. You may need to try different patch files or methods until you find one that works for you.

Potential dangers of using a cracked version

While cracking WebStorm 2016.3 may seem like a convenient way to use the software without paying for it, it also comes with many risks and disadvantages. Some of them are:

  • Legal issues: Cracking WebStorm 2016.3 is a violation of the software license agreement and the intellectual property rights of JetBrains. You may face legal consequences if you are caught using a cracked version of WebStorm 2016.3, such as fines, lawsuits, or even criminal charges.

  • Security issues: Cracking WebStorm 2016.3 may expose your computer to malware or viruses that can damage your system, steal your data, or compromise your privacy. Some patch files or crack websites may contain malicious code that can infect your computer or spy on your activities.

  • Performance issues: Cracking WebStorm 2016.3 may affect the performance and stability of the software and your projects. Some patch files or crack methods may cause errors, crashes, or bugs in WebStorm 2016.3 that can hinder your development process or corrupt your code.

  • Update issues: Cracking WebStorm 2016.3 may prevent you from updating the software to the latest version or receiving bug fixes and security patches from JetBrains. You may miss out on new features, improvements, and enhancements that can make your development experience better and easier.

  • Ethical issues: Cracking WebStorm 2016.3 is an unfair and dishonest practice that harms the developers and creators of the software. JetBrains is a company that invests a lot of time, money, and effort into developing and maintaining WebStorm 2016.3 and other products. By cracking WebStorm 2016.3, you are depriving them of their deserved revenue and recognition.

As you can see, cracking WebStorm 2016.3 is not worth the trouble and the risk. It is better to use a legal and safe version of WebStorm 2016.3 that can provide you with a reliable and enjoyable development experience.

What are the best alternatives to WebStorm 2016.3?

If you are not satisfied with WebStorm 2016.3 or you cannot afford it, you might be wondering what are some of the best alternatives to WebStorm 2016.3 that can offer similar or better features and functionality for JavaScript development. In this section, we will introduce three of the most popular and widely used alternatives to WebStorm 2016.3: Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, and Light Table.

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is a free and open source code editor developed by Microsoft that supports JavaScript and many other languages and technologies. It has a simple and elegant interface, a powerful editor, a fast debugger, an integrated terminal, a built-in source control, a rich extension system, and many other features that can help you develop high-quality applications with JavaScript.

Some of the main features and benefits of Visual Studio Code are:

  • IntelliSense: IntelliSense is a code completion feature that provides smart suggestions based on your code context, syntax, variables, functions, modules, etc. It also shows documentation and parameter information as you type.

  • Linter integration: Visual Studio Code integrates with various linters for JavaScript such as ESLint, JSHint, JSLint, etc., that can help you check your code quality and style as you type. It also highlights any issues and provides quick-fixes.

  • TypeScript support: Visual Studio Code supports TypeScript out of the box and provides code completion powered by TypeScript language service. It also supports compiling TypeScript to JavaScript on save or on demand.

  • Debugging support: Visual Studio Code supports debugging JavaScript code running in Node.js or in the browser using Chrome DevTools Protocol. It also supports setting breakpoints, inspecting variables, watching expressions, stepping through code, etc.

  • Extension support:Extension support: Visual Studio Code has a rich extension system that allows you to add more features and functionality to the editor. You can find and install extensions from the built-in marketplace or from the official website. Some of the popular extensions for JavaScript development are Angular Essentials, React Native Tools, Vue.js Extension Pack, etc.

  • And more: Visual Studio Code also includes many other features and benefits, such as code formatting, refactoring, snippets, themes, keyboard shortcuts, multi-cursor editing, live share, etc. You can check the full list of features on the official website.

As you can see, Visual Studio Code is a free and powerful code editor that can help you develop high-quality applications with JavaScript and related technologies. It has a simple and elegant interface, a powerful editor, a fast debugger, an integrated terminal, a built-in source control, a rich extension system, and many other features that can boost your productivity and creativity.

Sublime Text

Sublime Text is a cross-platform text editor that supports JavaScript and many other languages and technologies. It has a minimalist and customizable interface, a fast and flexible editor, a distraction-free mode, a multiple selection mode, a command palette, a package control system, and many other features that can help you develop high-quality applications with JavaScript.

Some of the main features and benefits of Sublime Text are:

  • Goto Anything: Goto Anything is a feature that allows you to quickly navigate to any file, symbol, line, or word in your project or workspace. You can access it by pressing Ctrl+P and typing what you want to find.

  • Goto Definition: Goto Definition is a feature that allows you to jump to the definition of any function, variable, class, or module in your code. You can access it by pressing F12 or by right-clicking on the symbol and choosing Goto Definition.

  • Goto Symbol: Goto Symbol is a feature that allows you to jump to any symbol in your current file. You can access it by pressing Ctrl+R and typing the name of the symbol.

  • Multiple Selections: Multiple Selections is a feature that allows you to edit multiple lines or regions of code at once. You can create multiple selections by pressing Ctrl+D or by using the mouse.

  • Command Palette: Command Palette is a feature that allows you to access various commands and functions in Sublime Text. You can access it by pressing Ctrl+Shift+P and typing the name of the command.

  • Package Control: Package Control is a feature that allows you to install and manage packages or plugins for Sublime Text. You can access it by pressing Ctrl+Shift+P and typing Package Control. Some of the popular packages for JavaScript development are Babel, ESLint, TypeScript, ReactJS Snippets, etc.

  • And more: Sublime Text also includes many other features and benefits, such as code folding, syntax highlighting, auto-completion, snippets, macros, themes, keyboard shortcuts, split editing, etc. You can check the full list of features on the official website.

As you can see, Sublime Text is a cross-platform text editor that can help you develop high-quality applications with JavaScript and related technologies. It has a minimalist and customizable interface , a fast and flexible editor, a distraction-free mode, a multiple selection mode, a command palette, a package control system, and many other features that can boost your productivity and creativity.

Light Table

Light Table is an open source and cross-platform IDE that supports JavaScript and many other languages and technologies. It has a modern and innovative interface, a live coding environment, a code evaluation feature, an inline documentation feature, a plugin manager, and many other features that can help you develop high-quality applications with JavaScript.

Some of the main features and benefits of Light Table are:

  • Live coding: Live coding is a feature that allows you to see the results of your code as you type. You can edit and run your code in the same window, without switching between files or tabs. You can also interact with your code using sliders, buttons, graphs, etc.

  • Code evaluation: Code evaluation is a feature that allows you to evaluate any expression or function in your code and see the value or output in the editor. You can also modify the value or output and see how it affects your code.

  • Inline documentation: Inline documentation is a feature that allows you to see the documentation of any function or variable in your code in the editor. You can also search for documentation using keywords or phrases.

  • Plugin manager: Plugin manager is a feature that allows you to install and manage plugins for Light Table. You can access it by pressing Ctrl+Space and typing Plugins. Some of the popular plugins for JavaScript development are LightScript, LightNode, LightReact, etc.

  • And more: Light Table also includes many other features and benefits, such as code folding, syntax highlighting, auto-completion, snippets, themes, keyboard shortcuts, split editing, etc. You can check the full list of features on the official website.

As you can see, Light Table is an open source and cross-platform IDE that can help you develop high-quality applications with JavaScript and related technologies. It has a modern and innovative interface, a live coding environment, a code evaluation feature, an inline documentation feature, a plugin manager, and many other features that can boost your productivity and creativity.

Conclusion and FAQs


In this article, we have discussed WebStorm 2016.3 (Full Crack), a powerful IDE for JavaScript development. We have explained what is WebStorm 2016.3 and why use it, how to crack it and what are the risks, and what are some of the best alternatives to it. We hope that this article has been helpful and informative for you.

If you are interested in WebStorm 2016.3 or any other JetBrains product, we recommend that you visit their official website and check out their products and pricing. You can also download a free trial version of WebStorm 2016.3 or any other product from their website and try it out for yourself.

If you are looking for a free or open source alternative to WebStorm 2016.3, we suggest that you try Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, or Light Table. They are all popular and widely used code editors or IDEs that support JavaScript and related technologies. They have their own strengths and weaknesses, so you can choose the one that suits your needs and preferences best.

We hope that you have enjoyed reading this article and learned something new about WebStorm 2016.3 (Full Crack) and its alternatives. Thank you for your time and attention.


Here are some of the frequently asked questions about WebStorm 2016.3 (Full Crack) and its alternatives:

  • Q: Is WebStorm 2016.3 free?

  • A: No, WebStorm 2016.3 is not free. It is a commercial product developed by JetBrains that requires a license to use. You can buy a license from their website or use a trial version for 30 days.

Q: Is WebStorm 2016.3 worth it


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