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Trade and Civilisation in the Indian Ocean by K N Chaudhuri - A PDF Download Guide for an Economic History from the Rise of Islam to 1750

Trade and Civilisation in the Indian Ocean: An Economic History from the Rise of Islam to 1750 by K N Chaudhuri

If you are interested in learning more about the history of the Indian Ocean region, one of the most influential books you should read is Trade and Civilisation in the Indian Ocean: An Economic History from the Rise of Islam to 1750 by K N Chaudhuri. This book was first published in 1985 and has since become a classic work in the field of world history. In this article, we will tell you why this book is important for understanding the history of the Indian Ocean region, what are its main themes and arguments, and how you can download it for free as a PDF file.

Download Trade and Civilisation the Indian Ocean 1750 by K N Chaudhuri (.PDF)

Why is this book important for understanding the history of the Indian Ocean region?

One of the reasons why this book is important for understanding the history of the Indian Ocean region is that it challenges the Eurocentric view of world history that often neglects or marginalizes the contributions of non-European civilizations. Chaudhuri argues that the Indian Ocean region was not a passive or peripheral area that was dominated by European powers, but rather a dynamic and diverse zone that had its own economic, social, cultural, and political systems that shaped world history.

Chaudhuri shows that the Indian Ocean region was home to a complex and interconnected trade network that spanned from East Africa to Southeast Asia and involved millions of people from different regions, cultures, religions, and languages. He demonstrates that this trade network was not only driven by economic motives, but also by cultural exchanges, political alliances, and religious missions. He also reveals that this trade network was not static or uniform, but rather changed and adapted to various historical circumstances, such as the rise of Islam, the Mongol invasions, the Black Death, the Portuguese expansion, and the Mughal empire.

By writing this book, Chaudhuri not only provides a comprehensive and nuanced account of the history of the Indian Ocean region, but also offers a new perspective on world history that recognizes the importance and diversity of non-European civilizations and their interactions with each other and with Europe.

What are the main themes and arguments of the book?

The main themes and arguments of the book are related to the economic, social, cultural, and political aspects of the Indian Ocean trade system from the rise of Islam to 1750. Chaudhuri divides his book into four parts, each covering a different period and aspect of the Indian Ocean trade. Here are some of the main themes and arguments of each part:

The rise of Islam and its impact on the Indian Ocean trade

In the first part of the book, Chaudhuri examines how Islam emerged as a major force in the Indian Ocean region and how it affected the trade system. He argues that Islam was not only a religion, but also a culture and a civilization that facilitated trade across regions and cultures. He explains that Islam provided a common language (Arabic), a common law (sharia), a common currency (dinar), and a common identity (umma) for merchants and traders who came from different backgrounds and locations. He also shows that Islam fostered a cosmopolitan merchant community that was tolerant, flexible, and adaptable to different environments and situations.

The role of India as the hub of the Indian Ocean trade

In the second part of the book, Chaudhuri analyzes how India became the hub of the Indian Ocean trade system due to its geographical location, natural resources, manufacturing skills, and political stability. He argues that India was strategically situated at the center of the Indian Ocean region, connecting East Africa, West Asia, Southeast Asia, and China. He also argues that India had abundant and diverse natural resources, such as spices, textiles, gems, metals, and timber, that were in high demand in other regions. He also argues that India had advanced manufacturing skills, such as weaving, dyeing, printing, metalworking, shipbuilding, and gunpowder production, that gave it a competitive edge in the trade system. He also argues that India had a stable and decentralized political system that allowed for regional autonomy and local initiative in trade matters.

The diversity and complexity of the Indian Ocean trade network

In the third part of the book, Chaudhuri explores the diversity and complexity of the Indian Ocean trade network that involved multiple regions, commodities, currencies, languages, religions, and institutions. He argues that the Indian Ocean trade network was not a simple or linear exchange of goods between two points, but rather a complex and multidimensional system that involved multiple actors, intermediaries, routes, modes, and stages. He also argues that the Indian Ocean trade network was not a homogeneous or monolithic system that followed a single logic or pattern, but rather a heterogeneous and pluralistic system that reflected the diversity and dynamism of the regions and cultures involved.

The impact of European expansion on the Indian Ocean trade

In the fourth part of the book, Chaudhuri assesses how European powers disrupted and transformed the Indian Ocean trade system in the 16th-18th centuries. He argues that European powers did not simply replace or dominate the existing trade system, but rather interacted with it in various ways. He explains that European powers had different motives, strategies, and impacts on the Indian Ocean trade system depending on their national interests, resources, capabilities, and alliances. He also explains that European powers faced various challenges, resistances, and adaptations from the local actors and institutions in the Indian Ocean region. He also explains that European powers influenced and were influenced by the economic, social, cultural, and political changes in the Indian Ocean region.

How can you download this book for free?

Now that you have learned why this book is important for understanding the history of the Indian Ocean region and what are its main themes and arguments, you might be wondering how you can download this book for free as a PDF file. In this section, we will guide you on how to find and download a PDF version of this book online. We will also tell you the benefits of downloading this book as a PDF, the steps to download this book as a PDF, the precautions to take when downloading this book as a PDF, and the alternatives to downloading this book as a PDF.

The benefits of downloading this book as a PDF

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  • You can read this book on any device that supports PDF files, such as computers, tablets, smartphones, or e-readers.

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The steps to download this book as a PDF

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The precautions to take when downloading this book as a PDF

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The alternatives to downloading this book as a PDF

If you are unable or unwilling to download this book as a PDF, there are other ways you can access this book. Some of them are:

  • You can borrow this book from a library near you or request it through an interlibrary loan service. You can also use online databases such as WorldCat or Library Genesis to find libraries that have this book in their collections.

  • You can buy this book from a bookstore near you or order it online from platforms such as Amazon or Barnes & Noble. You can also compare prices and availability of this book on websites such as BookFinder or BookScouter.

  • You can read this book online on platforms such as Google Books or You can also access excerpts, summaries, reviews, or analyses of this book on websites such as Goodreads or Wikipedia.


In conclusion, Trade and Civilisation in the Indian Ocean: An Economic History from the Rise of Islam to 1750 by K N Chaudhuri is an important and influential book that provides a comprehensive and nuanced account of the history of the Indian Ocean region from an economic perspective. It challenges the Eurocentric view of world history and highlights the diversity and dynamism of the Indian Ocean trade network that spanned from East Africa to Southeast Asia and involved millions of people from different regions, cultures, religions, and languages. It analyzes the economic, social, cultural, and political aspects of the Indian Ocean trade system from the rise of Islam to 1750 and shows how it changed and adapted to various historical circumstances, such as the Mongol invasions, the Black Death, the Portuguese expansion, and the Mughal empire. It also offers a new perspective on world history that recognizes the importance and diversity of non-European civilizations and their interactions with each other and with Europe.

If you want to read this book, you can download it for free as a PDF file by following the steps and precautions we have explained in this article. You can also access this book through other means, such as libraries, bookstores, or online platforms. We hope that this article has helped you to learn more about this book and its topic and to download it for free as a PDF file. We also hope that you will enjoy reading this book and discover more about the history of the Indian Ocean region.


Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about this book and its topic:

  • Who is K N Chaudhuri?

K N Chaudhuri is an Indian historian who specializes in the economic history of Asia and the Indian Ocean region. He was born in 1928 and studied at the University of Calcutta and the London School of Economics. He taught at various universities in India, England, and the United States. He is currently an emeritus professor at the University of London. He has written several books and articles on Asian and Indian Ocean history, such as The Trading World of Asia and the English East India Company 1660-1760 (1978), Asia Before Europe: Economy and Civilisation of the Indian Ocean from the Rise of Islam to 1750 (1990), and The Economic Development of India Under the East India Company 1814-58 (1971).

  • What is the Indian Ocean region?

The Indian Ocean region is a geographical area that covers the lands and waters around the Indian Ocean, which is the third-largest ocean in the world. The Indian Ocean region includes parts of Africa, Asia, Australia, and Antarctica. The Indian Ocean region has a rich and diverse history, culture, ecology, and economy that has been shaped by its natural features, climate, resources, trade, migration, colonization, and globalization.

  • What is economic history?

Economic history is a branch of history that studies the economic aspects of human societies in the past. Economic history examines how people produced, distributed, consumed, and exchanged goods and services in different times and places. Economic history also explores how economic factors influenced or were influenced by social, cultural, political, environmental, and technological factors. Economic history uses various methods and sources, such as statistics, archives, documents, maps, charts, graphs, models, theories, and concepts.

  • What is world history?

World history is a branch of history that studies human history from a global perspective. World history examines how people interacted with each other across regions and continents in different times and places. World history also explores how human societies developed or changed due to global processes or events, such as trade, migration, colonization, globalization, war, disease, religion, culture, or technology. World history uses various methods and sources, such as comparative analysis, interdisciplinary approaches, transnational perspectives, and thematic frameworks.

  • What is a PDF file?

A PDF file is a type of file format that stands for Portable Document Format. A PDF file can contain text, images, graphics, links, or other elements that can be viewed on any device that supports PDF files. A PDF file can also be printed out or shared with others easily. A PDF file can be created or converted from other file formats using software or applications such as Adobe Acrobat or Microsoft Word.



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