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Working Mothers

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Melthucelha Smith
Melthucelha Smith

Labour Laws In Pakistan In Urdu Book Free Fix 637

  • General guidelines (back to top) Cataloguing can't be learned in a day.

  • Dewey is not a perfect system; not all books fit neatly into a single number

  • Some books can legitimately be catalogued in several numbers; choose the one most appropriate to the curriculum and the conditions in your institution

  • Always put a book in a number where it will get maximum usage; move excellent books if they don't seem to be used

  • Bend the rules to suit local needs

  • Avoid censorship: put literature in the 800s

  • Catalog biographies into subject areas. ie. a biography of Tiger Woods should be in golf, not biography

  • There are standard subdivisions that can be added to almost any number:

  • .03 = dictionaries, encyclopedias. ie. 503 for a dictionary of science; 610.3 dictionary of medical terms

  • .09 = history and criticism. ie. 809 = criticism of literature; 385.09 for a history of railways

  • place numbers can be added where appropriate:

  • .71 = Canada; ie. 385.0971 Canadian railways;

  • .73 = US; ie. 330.973 American economics

  • country codes are already present in the 900s. e.g., 971 means Canadian history; 917.3 means American geography

  • .07 = education; ie. 507 = studying science; 622.07 = the study of mining

  • Begin by estimating the Dewey number. Then check the Dewey index. Never assign a number without looking up the actual number in the schedules.

  • 000 - Generalities - details 000Generalities 010Bibliography 020Library & information sciences 030General encyclopedic works 040Unassigned 050General serials & their indexes 060General organizations& museology [Museums] 070News media, journalism, publishing 080General collections 090Manuscripts & rare books 001 Knowledge 001.1 Intellectual Life

  • 001.2 Scholarship and Learning

  • 001.3 Humanities

  • 001.4 Research

  • 001.9 Controversial knowledge

  • 002 The book003 Systems004 Data processing, computer science005 Computer programming, programs, data006 Special computer methods007 not used008 not used009 not used010 Bibliography011 Bibliographies012 Of individuals013 Of works by specific classes of authors014 Of anonymous and pseudonymous works015 Of works from specific places016 Of works on specific subjects017 General subject catalogs018 Catalogs arranged by author and date019 Dictionary catalogs020 Library & information sciences021 Relationships of libraries, archives, information centers022 Administration of the physical plant023 Personnel administration024 not used025 Library operations026 Libraries for specific subjects027 General libraries028 Reading and use of other information media029 not used030 General Encyclopedic works. ie. Britannica031 American. ie. Americana032 In English033 In other Germanic languages034 In French, Provençal, Catalon035 In Italian, Romanian, Rhaeto-Romanic036 In Spanish & Portuguese037 In Slavic Languages038 In Scandinavian languages039 In other languages 050 General serials & their indexes 050.9 Historical, geographic, persons treatment

  • 051 American052 In English053 In other Germanic languages054 In French, Provençal, Catalon055 In Italian, Romanian, Rhaeto-Romanic056 In Spanish & Portuguese057 In Slavic Languages058 In Scandinavian languages059 In other languages060 General organizations & museology 060.4 General rules of order (Parliamentary procedure)

  • 060.9 Historical and persons treatment

  • 061 In North America062 In British Isles; In England063 In central Europe; In Germany064 In France & Monaco065 In Italy & adjacent territories066 In Iberian Peninsula & adjacent islands067 In eastern Europe; In Soviet Union068 In other areas069 Museology (Museum science)070 News media, journalism, publishing 070.1 Documentary media, educational media, news media

  • 070.4 Journalism

  • 070.5 Publishing

  • 070.9 Historical and persons treatment of journalism and newspapers

  • 071 In North America072 In British Isles; In England073 In central Europe; In Germany074 In France & Monaco075 In Italy & adjacent territories076 In Iberian Peninsula & adjacent islands077 In eastern Europe; In Soviet Union078 In Scandinavia079 In other areas080 General collections 080.9 Historical, geographic, persons treatment

  • 081 American082 In English083 In other Germanic languages084 In French, Provençal, Catalon085 In Italian, Romanian, Rhaeto-Romanic086 In Spanish & Portuguese087 In Slavic Languages088 In Scandinavian languages089 In other languages090 Manuscripts and rare books091 Manuscripts092 Block books093 Incunabula094 Printed books095 Books notable for bindings096 Books notable for illustrations097 Books notable for ownership or origin098 Prohibited works, forgeries, hoaxes099 Books notable for format 100 - Philosophy and psychology - details 100Generalities 110Metaphysics 120Epistemology, causation, humankind 130Paranormal phenomena, occult 140Specific philosophical schools 150Psychology 160Logic 170Ethics(moral philosophy) 180Ancient, medieval, Oriental philosophy 190Modern Western philosophy 100 Generalities101 Theory of philosophy102 Miscellany of philosophy103 Dictionaries of philosophy104 not used105 Serial publications of philosophy106 Organizations of philosophy107 Education, research in philosophy108 Kinds of persons in philosophy109 Historical treatment of philosophy 109.2 Collected treatment of persons110 Metaphysics111 Ontology112 not used113 Cosmology114 Space115 Time116 Change117 Structure118 Force & energy119 Number & quantity120 Epistemology, causation, humankind121 Epistemology122 Causation123 Determinism & indeterminism124 Teleogy125 not used126 The self127 The unconscious & the subconscious128 Humankind129 Origin & destiny of individual souls130 Paranormal phenomena 130.1 Philosophy and theory

  • 131 Occult methods for achieving well-being132 not used133 Parapsychology & occultism 133.1 Apparitions

  • 133.3 Divinatory arts

  • 133.4 Demonology and witchcraft

  • 133.5 Astrology

  • 133.6 Palmistry

  • 133.8 Psychic phenomena

  • 133.9 Spiritualism

  • 134 not used135 Dreams & mysteries136 not used137 Divinatory graphology138 Physiognomy139 Phrenology140 Specific philosophical schools141 Idealism & related systems142 Critical philosophy143 Intuitionism & Bergsonism144 Humanism & related systems145 Sensationalism146 Naturalism & related systems147 Pantheism & related systems148 Liberalism, eclecticism, traditionalism149 Other philosophical systems150 Psychology 150.1 Philosophy and theory 150.8 History and description with respect to kinds of persons

  • 150.9 Historical, geographic, persons treatment

  • 151 not used152 Perception, movement, emotions, drives 152.1 Sensory perception

  • 152.3 Movements and motor functions, facial expressions, laterality

  • 152.4 Emotions and feelings

  • 152.5 Physiological drives

  • 152.8 Quantitative threshold, discrimination, reaction-time studies

  • 153 Mental processes & intelligence 153.1 Memory and learning

  • 153.2 Formation and association of ideas

  • 153.3 Imagination and imagery

  • 153.4 Knowledge (Cognition)

  • 153.6 Communication

  • 153.7 Perceptual processes

  • 153.8 Will (Volition)

  • 153.9 Intelligence and aptitudes

  • 154 Subconscious & altered states 154.2 The subconscious

  • 154.3 Daydreams, fantasies, reveries

  • 154.4 Altered states of concsiousness

  • 154.6 Sleep phenomena

  • 154.7 Hypnotism

  • 155 Differential & developmental psychology 155.2 Individual psychology

  • 155.3 Sex psychology and psychology of the sexes

  • 155.4 Child psychology

  • 155.5 Psychology of young adults

  • 155.6 Psychology of adults

  • 155.7 Evolutional psychology

  • 155.8 Ethnopsychology and national psychology

  • 155.9 Environmental psychology

  • 156 Comparative psychology157 Abnormal psychology158 Applied psychology 158.6 Vocational interests

  • 158.7 Industrial psychology

  • 159 not used160 Logic161 Induction162 Deduction163 not used164 not used165 Fallacies & sources of error166 Syllogisms167 Hypotheses168 Argument & persuasion169 Analogy170 Ethics 170.8 History and description with respect to kinds of persons

  • 171 Systems & doctrines172 Political ethics173 Ethics of family relationships174 Economic & professional ethics175 Ethics of recreation & leisure176 Ethics of sex & reproduction, abortion177 Ethics of social relations178 Ethics of consumption179 Other ethical norms, euthanasia180 Ancient, mediæval, Oriental philosophy 180.9 Historical and geographic treatment of ancient philosophy

  • 181 Oriental philosophy182 Pre-Socratic Greek philosophies183 Sophistic & Socratic philosophies184 Platonic philosophy185 Aristotelian philosophy186 Skeptic and Neoplatonic philosophies187 Epicurean philosophy188 Stoic philosophy189 Medieval Western philosophy190 Modern Western philosophy 190.9 Historical and geographic treatment

  • 191 United States & Canada192 British Isles193 Germany & Austria194 France195 Italy196 Spain & Portugal197 Soviet Union198 Scandinavia199 Other geographical areas 200 - Religion - details 200Generalities 210Natural theology 220Bible 230Christian theology 240Christian moral & devotional theology 250Christian orders & local church 260Christian social theology 270Christian church history 280Christian denominations& sects 290Other & comparative religions, mythology 200.1 Philosophy and theory of religion 200.8 Religion with respect to kinds of persons

  • 200.9 Historical, geographic, persons treatment of religion

  • 201 Philosophy of Christianity202 Miscellany of Christianity203 Dictionaries of Christianity204 Special topics205 Serial publications of Christianity206 Organizations of Christianity207 Education, research in Christianity208 Kinds of persons in Christianity209 History & geography of Christianity210 Natural theology211 Concepts of God212 Existence, attributes of God213 Creation214 Theodicy215 Science & religion216 Good & evil217 not used218 Humankind219 not used220 Bible 220.1 Origins and authenticity

  • 220.3 Encyclopedias and topical dictionaries

  • 220.4 Original texts, early versions, early translations

  • 220.5 Modern versions and translations

  • 220.6 Interpretation and criticism (Exegesis)

  • 220.7 Commentaries

  • 220.8 Nonreligious subjects treated in Bible

  • 220.9 Geography, history, chronology, persons of Bible lands in Bible times

  • 221 Old Testament222 Historical books of Old Testament223 Poetic books of Old Testament224 Prophetic books of Old Testament225 New Testament226 Gospels & Acts 226.2 Matthew

  • 226.3 Mark

  • 226.4 Luke

  • 226.5 John

  • 226.6 Acts of the Apostles

  • 226.7 Miracles

  • 226.8 Parables

  • 226.9 Sermon on the Mount

  • 227 Epistles228 Revelation (Apocalypse)229 Apocrypha & pseudepigrapha230 Christian theology231 God 231.7 Relation to the world232 Jesus Christ & his family 232.9 Family and life of Jesus

  • 233 Humankind234 Salvation (Soteriology) & grace235 Spiritual beings236 Eschatology237 not used238 Creeds & catechisms239 Apologetics & polemics240 Christian moral & devotional theology241 Moral theology 241.5 Codes of conduct

  • 242 Devotional literature243 Evangelistic writings for individuals244 not used245 Texts of hymns246 Use of art in Christianity247 Church furnishings & articles248 Christian experience, practice, life 248.2 Religious experience

  • 248.3 Prayer

  • 248.4 Christian life and practice

  • 248.5 Witnessing

  • 248.6 Stewardship, giving, etc.

  • 248.8 Guides to Christian life for specific classes of persons

  • 249 Christian observances in family life250 Christian orders & local church251 Preaching (Homiletics)252 Texts of sermons253 Pastoral office (Pastoral theology) 253.5 Counseling and spiritual direction

  • 254 Parish goverment & administration 254.3 Use of communications media

  • 254.4 Public relations and publicity

  • 254.8 Finance

  • 255 Religious congregations & orders256 not used257 not used258 not used259 Activities of the local church260 Christian social theology 260.9 Historical, geographic, persons treatment

  • 261 Social theology 261.2 Christianity and other systems of belief

  • 261.5 Christianity and secular disciplines

  • 261.7 Christianity and political affairs

  • 261.8 Christianity and socioeconomic problems

  • 262 Ecclesiology 262.9 Church law and discipline

  • 263 Times, places of religious observance264 Public worship265 Sacraments, other rites & acts266 Missions267 Associations for religious work268 Religious education269 Spiritual renewal270 Christian church history 270.1 Apostolic period to 325

  • 270.2 Period of ecumenical councils, 325-787

  • 270.3 Periods of struggle between papacy and empire, 787-1054

  • 270.4 Period of papal supremacy, 1054-1200

  • 270.5 Late Middle Ages through the Renaissance, 1200-1517

  • 270.6 Period of Reformation and Counter-Reformation, 1517-1648

  • 270.7 Period from Peace of Westphalia to the French Revolution, 1648-1789

  • 270.8 Modern period, 1789-

  • 271 Religious orders in church history272 Persecutions in church history273 Heresies in church history274 Christian church in Europe275 Christian church in Asia276 Christian church in Africa277 Christian church in North America278 Christian church in South America279 Christian church in other areas280 Christian denominations & sects 280.9 Eastern Orthodox churches

  • 281 Early church & Eastern churches282 Roman Catholic Church283 Anglican churches284 Protestants of Continental origin 284.1 Lutheran churches

  • 285 Presbyterian, Reformed, Congregational 285.7 Reformed churches centered in America

  • 285.8 Congregationalism

  • 286 Baptist, Disciples of Christ, Adventist 286.6 Disciples of Christ (Campbellites) 286.7 Adventist churches

  • 287 Methodist churches; churches uniting Methodist and other denominations; Salvation Army 287.9 Salvation Army; Churches uniting Methodist and other denominations

  • 288 not used289 Other denominations & sects 289.1 Unitarian and Universalist churches

  • 289.3 Latter-Day Saints (Mormons)

  • 289.4 Church of the New Jerusalem

  • (Swedenborgianism)

  • 289.5 Church of Christ, Scientist (Christian Science)

  • 289.6 Society of Friends (Quakers)

  • 289.7 Mennonite churches

  • 289.9 Others

  • 290 Other & comparative religions291 Comparative religion 291.1 Religious mythology, social theology, interreligious relations and attitudes

  • 291.2 Doctrines

  • 291.3 Public worship and other practices

  • 291.4 Religious experience, life, practice

  • 291.5 Moral theology

  • 291.6 Leaders and organization

  • 291.7 Missions, religious training and education

  • 291.8 Sources

  • 291.9 Sects and reform movements

  • 292 Classical (Greek & Roman) religion293 Germanic religion294 Religions of Indic origin 294.3 Buddhism

  • 294.4 Jainism

  • 294.5 Hinduism

  • 294.6 Sikhism

  • 295 Zoroastrianism (Mazdaism, Parseeism)

  • 296 Judaism 296.1 Sources

  • 296.3 Doctrinal, moral, social theology

  • 296.4 Traditions, rites, public services

  • 296.6 Leaders, organization, religious education

  • 296.7 Religious experience, life, practice

  • 296.8 Sects and movements

  • 297 Islam & religions originating in it298 not used299 Other religions 300 - Social Sciences - details 300Sociology and anthropology 310General statistics 320Political science 330Economics 340Law 350Public administration 360Social services; associations 370Education 380Commerce, communications, transport 390Customs, etiquette, folklore 300 Social Sciences301 Sociology & anthropology302 Social interaction 302.2 Communication

  • 302.3 Social interaction within groups

  • 302.4 Social interaction between groups

  • 302.5 Relation of the individual to society

  • 303 Social processes 303.3 Coordination and control

  • 303.4 Social change

  • 303.6 Conflict

  • 304 Factors affecting social behavior 304.2 Human ecology

  • 304.5 Genetic factors

  • 304.6 Population

  • 304.8 Movement of people

  • 305 Social groups 305.2 Age groups

  • 305.3 Men and women

  • 305.4 Women

  • 305.5 Social classes

  • 305.6 Religious groups

  • 305.7 Language groups

  • 305.8 Racial, ethnic, national groups

  • 305.9 Occupational and miscellaneous groups

  • 306 Culture & institutions 306.2 Political institutions

  • 306.3 Economic institutions

  • 306.4 Specific types of culture

  • 306.6 Religious institutions

  • 306.7 Institutions pertaining to relations of the sexes

  • 306.8 Marriage and family

  • 306.9 Institutions pertaining to death

  • 307 Communities 307.1 Community planning and development

  • 307.2 Population

  • 307.3 Community structure

  • 307.7 Specific kinds of communities

  • 308 not used309 not used310 General statistics, Almanacs 310.9 Historical, geographic, persons treatment

  • 311 not used312 not used313 not used314 General statistics of Europe315 General statistics of Asia316 General statistics of Africa317 General statistics of North America 317.1 General statistics of Canada

  • 318 General statistics of South America319 General statistics of other parts of the world320 Political science 320.1 The state

  • 320.3 Comparative

  • 320.4 Structure and functions of government

  • 320.5 Political ideologies

  • 320.8 Local government

  • 320.9 Political situation and conditions

  • 320.971 Politics of Canada

  • 321 Systems of governments & states 321.4 Pure democracy

  • 321.5 Elitist systems

  • 321.8 Democratic systems

  • 321.9 Authoritarian systems

  • 322 Relation of state to organized groups 322.4 Political action groups

  • 323 Civil & political rights 323.1 Civil rights of non-dominant aggregates, political rights of nondominant aggregates

  • 323.3 Civil and political rights of other social aggregates

  • 323.4 Specific civil rights; limitation and suspension of civil rights

  • 323.5 Political rights

  • 323.6 Citizenship and related topics

  • 324 The political process 324.1 International party organizations, auxiliaries, activities

  • 324.2 Political parties

  • 324.5 Nomination of candidates

  • 324.6 Election systems and procedures; suffrage

  • 324.7 Conduct of election campaigns

  • 324.9 Historical and geographic treatment of elections

  • 325 International migration & colonization326 Slavery & emancipation327 International relations 327.1 General topics of international relations; spies

  • 327.2 Diplomacy

  • 328 The legislative process 328.2 Initiative and referendum

328.3 Legislat


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